Garden State Leftovers 5K & 5280 Run: |
Cap off your Thanksgiving weekend with a bRUNch - that's clever speak for you RUN and then you BRUNCH! A brand new holiday running experience brought to you by the Westfield Turkey Trot people. Not home from your Thanksgiving travels until Sunday? Ate way too much for 3 days straight? Looking to run as many Turkey Trots as humanly possible in 1 weekend? Join us on the Sunday after Turkey Day for a Leftovers bRUNch Runday Funday at Rahway River Park! Choose 5K, 5280 Run (1 Mile) - or both! |
Distances/Times: |
9:30 a.m. - 5K Run 10:30 a.m. - 5280 Run (1 Mile)
*Both events will be chip timed and you can sign-up for both at a discounted rate.
*Registration and Check-In will open at 8:30 a.m. |
bRUNch: |
Think Thanksgiving leftovers! Yum yum. Available at 10 a.m. |
Turkey Trot Triple Threat!: |
You heard correctly! Take on a 5 Miler on Saturday at the Westfield Turkey Trot, a 5K on Sunday at the Garden State Leftovers Turkey Trot in Rahway, and 5280' (1 Mile) on either day. A NEW Thanksgiving challenge: 9.1 cumulative miles. All runs are timed with B-Tags! Not only does this make you mega-cool and bad@$$, but...It saves you $$$ - only $50 (limited time) gets you entry into all 3 runs with a souvenir tee from each day! Bonus commemorative keepsake for our Trifectans! Already signed up? Email us to add the deal! |
Perky Jerky: |
Souvenir shirts - a hodgepodge of surprise tees emblazened with the GSL logo meaning a variety of colors and styles! Early bird gets first choice!
Overall and Age Group Awards - again a hodgepodge of leftover medals repurposed and branded for the Garden State Leftovers - bonus points for looking out for the environment!
Bib Numbers - Why stop there? We'll be using unclaimed Bib Numbers from previous events to once again SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT! Seems there's a theme here with these leftovers...
Cups - Reusing old....No NO No, Just kidding! Only new fresh cups here ;)
But while we're on an environmental crusade, we recommend you bring your own water vessel (fave bottle, hydration pack) and help reduce our single-use plastic bottle waste. We'll always stock enough water for everyone, but the less we use the more we can cycle those LEFTOVERS into the next event. |
Event Contact: |
BestLife.Events * Sports A/R |
Contact Phone: |
908-245-3000 |
E-mail Address: | |